5 Important HVAC Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

The HVAC system in your home requires regular upkeep to run efficiently. An efficient system means reduced energy waste, lower utility costs, and fewer maintenance requirements over time, so keeping your HVAC system in top-shape should be a priority for you as a homeowner. Here are five important HVAC maintenance tips to remember.

Inspect Insulation 

Faulty or damaged insulation and weatherstripping can cause air to leak in and out of your home. When your home’s insulation is leaky, your HVAC system struggles to maintain a constant temperature in your living space. Periodically inspect your home’s insulation where you can, such as in crawl spaces, and ensure all weatherstripping around doors and windows hasn’t been torn or cracked. There may be insulation around your HVAC air ducts as well, though an HVAC professional is likely your best choice when it comes to checking that.

Get Programmable Thermostats 

A programmable thermostat is one of the best energy-saving accessories you can add to your home. When your thermostat can adjust automatically, your HVAC system only runs when it’s absolutely necessary, which extends the life of your system and reduces unnecessary wear and tear. There are a wide range of programmable thermometers now available, including many you can set and monitor remotely with the use of a mobile device.

Set Reminders for Filter Cleanings 

Dirty filters restrict the flow of air into your HVAC system, causing them to become overworked, and in turn, much more likely to experience failures. Checking and either cleaning or replacing filters should be done about once every month. The best way to never miss a cleaning is to simply put it on your calendar.

A Yearly Check on Air Conditioners 

Air conditioners, in particular, should be serviced at the beginning of the summer. Running an air conditioner that’s not operating correctly can create unnecessarily high electricity usage and costs. Check the efficiency of your air conditioner by running it and seeing how quickly it can reduce the temperature in your home, as well as by inspecting the unit’s air filters, belts, and coils. Anything you aren’t sure how to do yourself should be entrusted to an HVAC professional, who will be able to examine and fix your air conditioner quickly.

Use Ceiling Fans 

You should always be looking for ways to reduce the strain on your HVAC system. Using ceiling fans is the perfect way to do just that. Fans circulate air throughout your home, leading to more accurate thermometer readings, even temperatures, and reduced electricity waste.

These are just some of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to your home’s HVAC system. By having a yearly check done by an HVAC professional, getting a programmable thermostat, setting reminders for filter cleanings, utilizing ceiling fans and inspecting your home’s insulation from time to time, you’ll ensure your HVAC system is functioning as smoothly as possible.

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