Five Home Improvement Projects You Can Complete On Your Day Off

Do you want to change the look of your home without spending weeks on projects? Luckily, there are projects you can do that will not take too much time or money. If you find yourself with an open schedule one day, try one of these five projects:

Organize Closets

You can upgrade the look of your bedroom by organizing your closet space. A disorganized closet can look small and dirty if there is no system in place. First, remove all of the clothes from the closet. Next, organize them into three piles: keep, toss out, and donate. Before you place in the clothes you want to keep, give the closet a thorough vacuuming and scrubbing. You can purchase organizers for your closet, or simply use what you already have. In the end, you will be able to find outfits much easier than before.

Add an Office Space

Have you been dreaming of a home office but struggle to find the space? One solution is to turn a non-essential closet into an office. To complete this project, empty it completely and remove the doors. Then, add a desk and shelving, as needed. Finally, you have turned an underutilized space into a productive workspace.

Bring Nature Indoors

Stop by your local garden center and buy some indoor plants. Flowers and plants can really liven up a bland space. Plus, houseplants clean the air and provide you with oxygen. If you do not have a green thumb, look for easy plants such as spider plants and aloe.

Update Hardware

Replacing entire cabinets can be costly and time-consuming. A simpler solution is to replace the knobs and handles with something a little more modern. After measuring for the size you need, stop by a home improvement store to see your options. After making the switch, your cabinets will have a whole new look. You can also do this project with dresser drawers in your bedroom.

Change the Lighting

The ambiance in your home can change by simply switching the light bulbs. White lights are often too harsh. Instead, purchase some bulbs that give a yellow hue for a calmer effect. Remember to purchase LED bulbs, which last a lot longer than traditional bulbs. For a more in-depth project, you can set a dimmer switch to adjust the light level to your liking.

You can still upgrade your home if you have a limited budget or time schedule. All of these projects can be completed in an afternoon. When you make small changes to your home, it can create a big impact.

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