How To Improve The Air Quality in Your Home

The quality of air in your home can have a significant impact on your health. There are various causes of unclean air, from dust mites to pet hair. The more you breathe in poor air, the more likely you are to develop asthma and lung disease. Here are five ways you can efficiently purify the air in your home:

Buy Some Houseplants

Houseplants remove toxins and provide oxygen to your home. Plus, indoor plants add to the decor of the house. Some excellent houseplants to consider buying are English ivy and bamboo palm. Most houseplants are easy to care for, requiring little water and indirect sunlight. If you have children or animals in your home, make sure the plant is non-toxic in case a leaf is accidentally eaten.

Use Safe Cleaners

A clean home provides better air to breathe. However, the types of cleaners you use can impact air quality. Many household cleaners contain harsh chemicals that release unhealthy fumes. Instead, opt for eco-friendly products for cleaning. Or, you can make your own cleaning products using common ingredients such as lemon, vinegar, and baking soda.

Use Beeswax Candles

If you enjoy lighting candles in your home for a peaceful atmosphere, consider using ones that contain beeswax. These candles purify the air by releasing negative ions. Pollutants such as dust and pollen have a positive charge so when they interact with beeswax candles, they are sucked in or fall to the ground. This method is common in air purifier systems.

Keep Clean

Dust mites are the most common cause of bad air. Dust mites can make you feel tired and irritate your nose. Remember to clean your sheets and clothes often. These locations are where dust mites are commonly found. Pet hair is also found in bad air. If you have pets in your home, clean surfaces frequently to prevent buildup.

Clean Your A/C

Not only does your air conditioner keep you cool, but it also refreshes any stale air lingering in the home. Most A/C systems have filters to remove allergens and dirt. You must clean the filters on a regular basis to ensure that your system is running properly. Check the manufacturer’s instructions on how to clean the filters.

Having clean air in your home helps keep your family healthy and safe. There are small changes you can make to purify the air in your house. When you purchase environmentally-friendly products and clean your house regularly, you can have a fresh, healthy home.

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