How To Increase Business Work Efficiency Part 1

As a business we should always be striving for efficiency, at Schmicko we believe that for our car detailers to work more efficiently, we as a business need to lead by example. We achieve this by encouraging a work culture that fosters innovation backed by rewards and incentives. We reward innovation and clever working habits – a big advocate of working smarter not harder. Below we list some of the responsibilities we face in order to maximize an efficient working culture among our Mobile Car Detailers.

Pay Structure

We set our pay structure so that our Detailers are paid based on how many car wash/detailing jobs completed, the more they wash, the more they can earn. Manage your time well and you will earn a higher pay rate and optimize your earning potential for the day.

Time Management

Allocated to each job package is an estimated time of completion. This time allocation serves as a rough estimate as to how long we’d expect them to complete the job. Most importantly, you need to ensure that the time allocated is realistic and achievable. Set this time too short and Detailers will feel pressured to do a rushed job and lose morale/standard. Set this time too high, then you as a business will suffer inefficiencies of not being able to maximize revenue vs time.

Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and time yourself. Have all the equipment ready, read up guides and watch video tutorials on how to perform the best wash possible, then time yourself. Alternatively, call other Detailers and find out what a realistic time frame is to complete certain jobs.

We learned that completion times would often vary based on the Detailers ability to manage time by juggling between what they know (knowledge/technique) and equipment. More of which we will discuss further below.


Using higher-end tools and supplies will often allow a Detailer to achieve greater results in a shorter period. If they choose to invest in more premium tools to work more efficiently, then we are all for that. For example, a wax application by an orbital buffer or machine polisher will always offer greater efficiencies than applying by hand.

Using a machine vs hand will allow:

1) Even distribution of wax or polish
2) Which means less product (polish or wax) needs to be used – longer product use
3) Less energy needed, save the sweat and let the machine do all the work
4) Application, RPM by machine will always outperform the hand
5) Takes a fraction of the time compared to hand application – what could take you 30 minutes by hand could take just a few minutes by machine.



We reward efficiency with better pay rates. We don’t mind our Automotive Detailers finishing the job slightly earlier than the estimated time of completion, to take advantage of higher pay rates. However, this only holds true given that the outcome is of high quality and that the customer is 100% happy.

Mitigate Risk

To mitigate risk and unsatisfactory work, we incorporate a 3-strike policy where if our Detailers accumulate a rating below 4 stars, we reserve the right to terminate the contract. So, should they wish to finish faster, they must ensure that the job is performed well. Risk vs reward management is the key here to managing efficiency here with our Detailers. Be ready to talk with your Detailers when they receive negative ratings, investigate whether it was a customer-biased review.

All in all, monetary benefits aren’t the only way to motivate your team to work more efficiently, but other work perks and incentives too. Lead by example, set standards, rewards and a great culture that attracts your Detailers to work well for you – mutual success is key.

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